
Ron Killian is a visual artist who works in a number of different mediums. He lives in Asheville, NC.

4 thoughts on “About

    • ToM!

      I no longer live in AVL. I am now in Chicago. I have thought a bit about you guys lately. What is your email address? So good to hear from you. Have fun in Asheville! – Ron

  1. Hi Ron – it’s Tom again. I’m in Chicago for a couple of days, might you still live there, would look forward to seeing you and catching up? Tom

  2. Heya Ron
    Kevin here.
    Kelly and I were really happy to see you . I ain’t no fancy dancer either.
    I hope you can come for Kelly’s bday party in July.
    Email. trackstand@verizon.net
    Contact me please about the 2 works you did I want em😀🙏
    Cheers with a Fosters Oil Can

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